What challenges do you have for this year’s summer adventures?

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60 challenges 

You don’t have to try them all, it’s more important to enjoy the time outdoors together

Free download 

Download our list in PDF and start your summer adventure now

Your own list 

Get inspired by our list and write down your own outdoor
challenges for you, your family, friends or whoever you enjoy being outdoors with

The challenges are based on practice, playing, having fun, and outdoor discoveries with children.

They are also based on the work of the British organization, The National Trust, which focuses on the protection of nature as well as cultural heritage and monuments. The National Trust put together an activity list of “50 things to do before you are 11¾“. The list is based on scientific findings that children form their relationship with nature and their surroundings in the years up to 12 years of age. These experiences affect whether and how they want to care for and protect the environment (not only the natural one) around them.

© Lessons in Grass 2022
