Lessons in grass

We will help you teach outside:

  • HOW to get started and equipped
  • WHAT children can discover, create and learn
  • WHERE to teach outide, all year round
  • WHY go out on regular basis and how to persist


We will inspire you with lesson plans, photos, videos, best practices, tips and tricks and more. You don't need anything special – there is an interactive outdoor classroom all around. Just summon your courage and step out of your door.

We can help you teach outside

We have helped create a movement in our country. Today thousands of teachers, parents and other educators go out on a regular basis using our materials and direction. Now we are looking to help more people find their way outside. We want to support you on your way outside, too.


We are a team of enthusiasts encouraging children to spend more time outdoors. We come from the Czech Republic, a small country in Central Europe. Our parent organisation TEREZA was founded 40 years ago and started its business by managing grazing goats on a piece of green land in Prague. Nowadays, over 100,000 children are being educated by TEREZA. The organisation also cooperates with more than 800 schools and is an inspiration to more than 5,000 parents.

We are a part of an international network of school programs such as GLOBE, Eco-Schools , LEAF and others. 3 years ago, we decided to take on a new challenge: to take learning out of the classroom.


Experience and professional research prove that children gain many benefits from learning outdoors. It offers better examples, improves academic results, boosts motivation and has well-known health benefits; however, it is not as widely used as it could be.

Our aim is to support all teachers to gain motivation, experience and tools to implement outdoor learning.


We will help you open the door and step outside the classroom. We support teachers who have already made their first step and encourage their self-development, their teaching methods and their schools. We will inspire you with countless ideas about where to go, what activities to do and how to use them. All seasons, almost all subjects and topics.

There are many obstacles on the way out but we are here to help you.


We triggered a big change in our country. It is not that long ago when nobody knew about outdoor learning. It wasn’t recommended by the Ministry of Education, teachers were afraid to go out and didn’t even know what to teach. We are changing that.

In the past 3 years, while cooperating with teachers and other professionals, we created over 180 outdoor lessons, recorded over 50 videos and tutorials, published 10 guides to outdoor learning that sold out in the first year, established a community of over 20,000 followers (that’s a very high number for such small country). Our estimate is that every tenth teacher in the Czech Republic uses our resources. Thanks to them – tens of thousands of Czech children can learn outdoors regularly. Outdoor learning is a common part of teaching in our country now.


ANNA Fisherová


networker, methodologist, creator, tester, actionman, coordinator

TEREZA Boháčová


methodologist, creator, critical eye, coordinator, visionary

ADÉLA Hamplová


lecturer, practitioner, creator, tester, networker, actionwonan, teacher

JUSTINA Danišová


creator, lecturer, teacher, lesson author and tester,  dreamer

Educational Centre


We reconnect education and nature

for the benefit of both

Contact us team@lessonsingrass.com