Category: Nezařazené

House for Acorn Elves and Nativity Scenes

How Kids Create with Nature Thanks to Their Amazing Teacher  When kids in after-school care dive into creating with natural materials, magic happens. For them, nature is an endless source...

Dandelion mania

How to lure children outside? Every spring, nature offers tons of dandelion material for loose parts play and learning. Just go outside and be inspired. DANDELION WORLD: Places full of...

How trees support learning

What benefits do we gain when playing and learning among trees? Some of them may seem obvious - but some will surprise you! Have you ever thought about BUYING christmas decorations? Forget about that, you wil FIND them for FREE.

Welcome in the Grass

WHO ARE WE? We are a team of enthusiasts encouraging children to spend more time outdoors. We come from the Czech Republic, a small country in Central Europe. Our parent organisation TEREZA...

Are we in trouble? Benefits of teaching outdoors

Something has been happening to our children. Despite living in developed countries, many children experience mental and physical issues, not known to us a few decades ago. Here are some examples...